Product Main

Quick Details

Type: Roller
Structure: Spherical
Outside Diameter: 0-150 mm
Bore Size: 0-100 mm
Brand Name: stbr
Structure: Spherical
Type: Roller


High Quality chrome steel light weight spherical roller bearing
Model Model Model Model Model Model
23020 23126 23218 23924 24013 24118
(100×150×37) (130×210×64) (90×160×52.4) (120×165×34) (65×100×35) (90×150×60)
23022 23128 23220 23926 24015 24120
(110×170×45) (140×225×68) (100×180×60.3) (130×180×37) (75×115×40) (100×165×65)
23024 23130 23222 23928 24018 24122
(120×180×46) (150×250×80) (110×200×69.8) (140×190×37) (90×140×50) (110×180×69)
23026 23132 23224 23930 24020 24124
(130×200×52) (160×270×86) (120×215×76) (150×210×45) (100×150×50) (120×200×80)
23028 23134 23226 23932 24022 24126
(140×210×53) (170×280×88) (130×230×80) (160×220×45) (110×170×60) (130×210×80)
23030 23136 23228 23934 24024 24138
(160×225×56) (180×300×96) (140×250×88) (170×230×45) (120×180×60) (140×225×85)
23032 23138 23230 23936 24026 24130
(160×240×60) (190×320×104) (150×270×96) (180×250×52) (130×200×69) (150×250×100)
23034 23140 23232 23938 24028 24132
(170×260×67) (200×340×112) (160×290×104) (190×260×52) (140×210×69) (160×270×109)
23036 23144 23234 23940 24030 24134
(180×280×74) (220×370×120) (170×310×110) (200×280×60) (150×225×75) (170×280×109)
23038 23148 23236 23948 24034 24136
(190×290×75) (240×400×128) (180×320×112) (240×320×60) (170×260×90) (180×300×118)
23040 23152 23238 23952 24036 24138
(200×310×82) (260×440×144) (190×340×120) (260×360×75) (180×280×100) (190×320×128)
23044 23156 23240 23956 24040 24140
(220×340×90) (280×460×146) (200×360×128) (260×360×75) (200×310×109) (200×340×140)
23048 23160 23244 23960 24044 24144
(240×360×92) (300×500×160) (220×400×144) (300×420×90) (220×340×118) (220×370×150)

Product Features

Load capacity is larger

Good impact resistance

Can bear a greater axial load

the operating temperature of the bearing is low

Can adapt to the requirement of high speed

Symmetrical drum roller freedom combined with concave outer ring groove plate.