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Purity: 99
Brand Name: yc
Grade Standard:
CAS No.: 57-85-2


Product Description
250mg/ml Injectable Steroid Hormone Sustanon 250 Yellow Liquid
Sustanon-250 is a testosterone compound comprised of four different ester based testosterones. A common misconception among many steroid users is that Sustanon-250 carries with it more power than other testosterone forms, this is not so, it is merely testosterone, a powerful anabolic and androgenic hormone in its own right. Sustanon-250 was first developed by Organon in an effort to compound the perfect testosterone for the purposes of hormone replacement therapy. The idea was simple; in one single compound create a testosterone that will actively release the hormone from the point of injection up to several weeks post-injection at a steady and even rate. by creating such a compound an HRT patient could effectively keep testosterone flowing through their body and necessarily only administer the hormone once every 3-4 weeks to achieve such an end. while following such protocol would prove to be effective, as the compound was a success in this regard, maintaining stable blood levels is quite a different story and for that reason those who use Sustanon 250 for performance purposes will find frequent injections to be an absolute necessity.
Sustanon-250 is the brand name for the four part testosterone mixture originally created by Organon but as is common, as it was the first form of the compound the trade name Sustanon-250 is largely associated with all brands. Sust, as it is commonly known is comprised of only testosterone but it has four various esters attached; two short, one moderate and one long ester. the composition of the compound is as follows:
Testosterone Propionate: 30mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 60mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 60mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 100mg
to understand Sustanon-250 we only need to understand testosterone and the manner in-which esters work. Once we understand the hormone testosterone and once we understand the esters attached are not hormones then we can understand how this particular steroidal compound is supposed to work.
as you can see from its makeup a large portion of the testosterone becomes active very quickly once administered due to the Propionate and Phenylpropionate forms being attached. however, the full release will not occur until the Decanoate fulfills its function; because of the Decanoate ester being attached Sustanon-250 has a total half-life of approximately 18 days.
the Benefits of Sustanon-250
the greatest benefit of use is by far the ability to provide testosterone over an extended period of time but for the performance enhancer this proves to be of little use. When used for performance purposes the idea is not to simply provide testosterone but to do so and keep it at its peak level as well as stable. Due to this fact and since Sustanon-250 provides a dose that dwindles as time goes by for performance purposes it must be injected at minimum every three days with every other day being optimal.
Once you understand the manner in-which best suits your needs in-terms of injection frequency you can then enjoy the benefits of this powerful testosterone hormone. like all testosterones, regardless of the form, Sustanon-250 will greatly increase nitrogen retention in the muscles as well as protein synthesis; key factors in both growth and preservation. Further, through testosterone use we can readily increase our red blood cell count and the powerful anabolic IGF 1 hormone, all key factors in the performance game.
Sustanon-250 is not the only testosterone mixture on the market; there are actually quite a few with Omnadren and Testoviron being the two most prominent besides that of Sust. Generally everything that can be said of Sustanon-250 can be said of Omnadren as they are almost identical in every way and while Testoviron is simply a mixture of Testosterone-Enanthate and Testosterone-Propionate made by Schering (Not to be confused with Testoviron Depot, an Enanthate only form) there is something you need to understand. of all testosterones and testosterone forms, testosterone mixtures are by-in-large the most commonly counterfeited on the black market. The demand for such mixtures is often high because certain labs prey on the ignorance of others; many believe a testosterone mixture is more powerful than a single-ester form when as you understand mixing various forms together does not change the active hormone. Understand, testosterone is simply testosterone regardless of the form and regardless of how many forms you couple together.
Sustanon-250 Cycles & Doses
for the individual who uses Sustanon-250 as part of a testosterone replacement plan 250mg every 2-4 weeks is a common dose but this will be determined by your doctor. for the performance enhancer, as a general rule of thumb 500mg of testosterone is often considered the base dosing level and is perfect for any beginner. while this is a perfect beginners dose many will find it is all they ever need no matter how advanced they become. For the hardcore, doses of 1,000mg per week are fairly common place and even beyond in bodybuilding circles, particularly those who fall in the realm of competition. Understand, when the dose increases, while the rewards may as well so do the risks associated.
250mgml Injectable Steroid Hormone Sustanon 250 Yellow Liquid
Name CAS Qunatyity Concentration
Drostanolone Propionate 521-12-0 100ml 100mg/ml
 Boldenone undecylenate 13103-34-9 100ml 300mg/ml
Boldenone Cypionate 106505-90-2 100ml 200mg/ml
Parabolone 50 23454-33-3 100ml 300mg/ml
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 62-90-8 100ml 200mg/ml
Testosterone undecanoate 5949-44-0 100ml 500mg/ml
Sustanon 250   100ml 250mg/ml
Testosterone Cypionate 58-20-8 100ml 250mg/ml
Testosterone Enanthate 315-37-7 100ml 250mg/ml
Testosterone Propionate 57-85-2 100ml 100mg/ml
Trenbolone Acetate 10161-34-9 100ml 100mg/ml