China rare metal material Co., ltd supply many kinds of high pure metal with low price and high quality. They are used widly in the fields of electric, optical, semiconductor and some high -tech material.
Aluminium (Al) Metal 99.99%, 99.999% Arsenic (As) Metal 99.999%, 99.9999%, 99.99999% Antimony (Sb) Metal 99.99%, 99.999%,99.9999%,99.99999% Bismuth (Bi) Metal 99.99%, 99.999%, 99.9999% Cadmium (Cd) Metal 99.999%,99.9999%,99.99999% Cobalt (Co) 99.999% Copper (Cu) metal 99.999%,99.9999% Gallium (Ga) Metal 99.999%,99.9999%,99.99999% Indium (In) Metal 99.999%,99.9999% Indium (In) Metal 99.999%,99.9999%,99.99999% Lead (Pb) Metal 99.999%, 99.9999%,99.99999% Selenium (Se) Metal 99.999%,99.9999% Tellurium (Te) Metal 99.999%,99.9999%,99.99999% Tin (Sn) Metal 99.999%,99.9999% Zinc (Zn) Metal 99.999%,99.9999% Aslo China rare metal material co., limited can supply finished product made from upwards high pure metal.