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Quick Details

Trade Name: System 24 LAGD 125
Brand: SKF
Package Type: Cartridge
Package Size: 125 ml
Minimum Operating Temperature: -20°C
Maximum Operating Temperature: +60°C
Product Form: Paste
Food Processing Safe: No
Grease Type: Mineral Oil


Single point lubricators offer flexibility in many applications as they automatically deliver the correct amount of grease to a single point. The LAGD series of gas driven single point automatic lubricators from SKF provide tool free activation and time setting. The units are supplied ready to use and are filled with a wide range of SKF lubricants.

• Dispense rate from 1 to 12 months • Stoppable or adjustable
• Transparent container allowing visual inspection
• Compact size
• Greases and chain oils available
• SKF DialSet for correct dispense rate