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Quick Details

Weight: 56.6kg
Fire Protection Time: 60min
Width: 490mm
Depth: 472 mm
Brand: Master Lock
Capacity: 56.5L
Height: 605 mm
Colour: Black, Grey
Fireproof: Yes
Type: Office


If you are looking into protect your valuable such as cash, sensitive documents, electronics, tablets, cheque books, USB flash drives, pictures or storage devices look no further. This fire and water resistant safe will take care of your documents. In case of fire, some of the valuables stored in your safe may not resist to high temperatures. Temperature rises to 600° C in just 5 minutes! However, our UL certified safes from Master Locks maintain stable temperature thanks to adapted thermal insulation:
• 30 minutes at 843°C
• 60 minutes at 927°C
• 120 minutes at 1010°C
It also delivers reliable protection with impact resistance to protect valuables when a fire should destroy the floor. It can fall at 9 meters and still remain intact.
In case of flood our safes could resist 24 hours in 20 cm water and is entirely waterproof to protect documents and other valuable items.