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Purity: 100%
Brand Name: Bestion resin
Type: Polymer
Other Names: Citrus juices to bitter resin
CAS No.: 69011-22-9


Citrus juices contain a variety of nutrients, in addition to rich in glucose, fructose, also contain thiamine, riboflavin, biological flavonoids physiological active substances, such as citrus processing excessive bitter taste is, however, a more important problem.
Technology co., LTD. Suzhou bo jie resin adsorption resin in the process of production into fewer impurities, the juice original vitamins, sugar and other ingredients, do not produce interference can be debitterizing at room temperature, short processing time, simple equipment, easy operation, low cost, economic and practical, easy desorption, regeneration utilization high, use cycle is long, bitterness in citrus juices removal effect is very ideal.

Extraction of Uranium resinSuzhou Bojie resin