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Quick Details

Classification: Catalyst
Brand Name: Antimony Triacetate
Purity: >99%
Other Names: catalyst-S21
CAS No.: 6923-52-0
Classification: Catalyst
Application: PET Synthesis
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)



Formula : Sb(CH3COO)3
Appearance: White to off-whiteCrystalline solid
Odor :    Odor of acetic acid
Hydrolytic Stability: Decomposes in the pResence of moistureto antimony oxide and aCetic acid
Bulk Density: 1.2 kg/liter
Minimum Solubility inAnhydrous MEG: 4.8% at 20°C   12.5% at 60°C
CAS No.:  6923-52-0
DOT No.:  UN 3077 

Typical Analysis:
Antimony (%)  40-42

Chloride (ppm)  <20
Pb (ppm) <40
Fe (ppm) <15
Cu (ppm) <2
Na (ppm) <10
Mg (ppm) <2



Benefits Summary:

Catalyst S-21 iS a low trace metal, highPurity catalyst used in the manufacture ofPET.
Catalyst S-21 has excellent solubility in ethyleneGlycol, forming a solution that remains stable for
An extended period of time in the absence of air.
Catalyst S-21 has catalyst solution consistencyDue the formation of a single species.
Catalyst S-21 iS incorporated rapidly into theMonomer/growing polymer chain, which allows
Catalyst make-up time to be shorter and processto operate at lower temperatures.
Minimal losses of antimony to the ethylene glycolRecycle.



Recommendations for use:

Catalyst solution should be formulated atApproximately 2-wt% Sb with virgin MEG(with water content less than 0.05%) at 60°C.
in the polyester process Catalyst S-21Solution is typically added at theEsterification stage. It should be noted thatCatalyst S-21 iS a very versatile catalystand other addition points may be used.
(Consult our Technical Service group forMore details).
as practiced with all antimony catalysts,Do not add phosphorous-containing aNtioxidants concurrently with Catalyst S-21. the presence of organophosphorousCompounds can reduce antimony(III) toAntimony metal.
this will reduce both the e
Ffectiveness of the catalyst and create gRayness in the polymer. Ideally, the
Phosphorous antioxidants are not requiredand should not be used.
Catalyst concentration varies according to eNd use of the polymer.
A typical
Recommendation would be 160-250 ppmas antimony based on total weight of PET.
One year shelf life is recommended forCatalyst S-21.



Antimony Triacetate catalyst