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Brand Name: Oasier Nuri-tech
Packaging: Drum
Part: fruit
Form: Powder
Type: Fruit Extract
Grade: food
Appearance: Light Purple Red fine powder
Odor: Characteristic
Taste: Characteristic
Sieve analysis: 95% pass 80 mesh
Loss on drying: no more than5%


the role ofPure raspberry extract:
1.Pure raspberry extract can be used as a diaphoretic agent, which is a good heat-reducing food for the treatment of colds, flu and sore throat.
2. the root soaked wine can be used as a medicine for relaxing tendons and promoting blood circulation, reducing inflammation and swelling, and decoction of stems and leaves can wash hemorrhoids, etc.
3. the fruit is also rich in volatile antibiotic substances with antiseptic effect.
4.Pure raspberry extract have high economic value. the berries are rich in fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, organic acids, sugars and other substances, which are easily absorbed by the human body and promote the absorption and digestion of other nutrients.
Pure raspberry extract factory
the efficacy and role ofPure raspberry extract! What are the benefits of eatingPure raspberry extract? Are they high in nutritional value?
Raspberry, has the effect of nourishing liver and kidney, consolidating essence and reducing urine, improving eyesight and black hair; attending impotence slippery essence, infertility with turbidity, kidney deficiency, frequent urination, enuresis, dim vision, premature graying of hair and hair. after washing, soak it in salt water for 15 minutes and rinse it off before eating.
What are the benefits of eatingPure raspberry extract? the nutritional value and efficacy ofPure raspberry extract?
the efficacy ofPure raspberry extract

1. It can treat enuresis and frequent urination: raspberry is sweet and warm to help yang, and sour to reduce urine. It enters the kidney and bladder meridians, and can warm and invigorate kidney yang and solidify and reduce urine. "Ben Cao Jing Shu" records that it can "benefit" Kidney, reduce stool. "It can be used for deficiency of kidney qi, deficiency and cold in the lower yuan, enuresis caused by delay in bladder, residual urination, frequent urination, etc. Same product.
2. It can treat nocturnal emission and slippery essence: it is recorded in "Materia Medica Tongxuan" that it can "strengthen the kidneys without the partiality of dryness and heat, and solidify the essence without the harm of coagulation and astringency". Entering the kidney meridian, it is good for nourishing the kidney and replenishing the essence, solidifying the astringency and stopping the discharge.
3. It is effective for impotence and infertility: "Medicinal Properties" says that this product "maintains yin", "Benpin Tongxuan" says that it can "rejuvenate yang and treat impotence", "Ben Cao Shu" said it can "invigorate the kidney and Yuanyang," Either nourishing the yin of the kidneys, or nourishing the essence and blood, whichever is appropriate, can help the yang as the principle." Raspberry Glycolic acid is slightly warm, can be replenished or harvested, can replenish yin and replenish essence, astringe and dissipate qi to produce semen, arouse yang, and consolidate Jingguan. It can be used alone, such as "Bianhu Ji Jian Fang", which is soaked in wine, or often combined with wolfberry, cucurbita, schisandra, etc., such as "Danxi Heart Method" "Wuzi Yanzong Pills"; or used together with other products such as velvet antler, Morinda officinalis, Cistanche deserticola, etc. that warm the kidneys and strengthen yang, and nourish the essence and marrow.
4. It is effective for liver and kidney deficiency and dark eyesight: raspberry acid can transform yin, enter liver and kidney, benefit liver and kidney and improve eyesight. Long-term use can improve eyesight. Eyesight". It can be used for liver and kidney deficiency, blurred eyes, blurred vision, etc. It can be used alone or in combination with liver and kidney medicines such as wolfberry fruit, rehmannia glutinosa, mulberry fruit, and weed seed.
the benefits of eatingPure raspberry extract
the fruit is slightly sweet, sour, and warm in taste. in Zhejiang and Fujian, its immature fruit is often used as a substitute for raspberry. Drunkenness, erysipelas embolism. the leaves are slightly bitter, and have the functions of clearing heat and sore throat, detoxifying, reducing swelling, and astringing sores. It is mainly used for sore throat, multiple abscesses, mastitis and other diseases. In the western Hunan area, the masses often mash the tender leaves and feed them to animals to treat diarrhea.
in addition, the vitamin E content inPure raspberry extract also ranks first among all kinds of fruits. Natural superoxide dismutase and vitamin E are excellent human scavengers, which can eliminate a large number of harmful metabolites produced by the human body, improve human immunity, fundamentally improve the internal environment of the human body, and achieve the purpose of beauty, beauty and longevity. Long-term consumption ofPure raspberry extract can effectively protect the heart and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension, vascular wall atherosclerosis, and cerebral vascular sclerosis. Raspberry ketones, extracted fromPure raspberry extract, are 3 times more effective at burning fat than capsaicin. Weight loss products with raspberry ketone as the main ingredient have become popular products in foreign markets. Scientists in the United States and Japan believe that daily intake of an appropriate amount of fresh raspberry fruit or corresponding fruit products has a good effect on weight control and body shape maintenance.
DoPure raspberry extract help prevent high blood pressure?
Raspberry is rich in "human scavenger". the content of E in raspberry also ranks first in all kinds of fruits. Superoxide dismutase and vitamin E are human scavengers, which can eliminate a large number of harmful metabolites produced by the human body and improve human immunity., Fundamentally improve the internal environment of the human body to achieve the purpose of beauty, beauty, and longevity. Long-term consumption ofPure raspberry extract can effectively protect the heart and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension, vascular wall atherosclerosis, and cerebrovascular sclerosis and rupture. Tree Berries can have a lot of effects on cleaning the intestines, are good for anti-oxidation, and can also improve the body's immunity, good for beauty and anti-aging, and can also protect the cardiovascular system, which has a certain effect and effect on improving physical fitness.