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Refinement: Fully Refined
Forms: Liquid
Melting Point: 52
Application: Candle Making
Brand Name: SINOPEC
Place of Origin: China (Mainland)


Product Features

the melting point of Fully Refined Paraffin Wax NO.52 is 52 ℃ to 54 ℃, the melting point of NO.54 is 54 ℃ to 56 ℃, and the melting point of NO.60 is 60 ℃ to 62 ℃. these three models of paraffin products are our company's best-selling and have a very competitive price. Welcome to consult WJWAX.

Fully Refined Paraffin Wax (FRPW) is a type of wax that has undergone a refining process to remove impurities and unwanted substances. It is a white, odorless, and tasteless wax that is widely used in various industries due to its excellent properties such as low melting point, high stability, and good water resistance.

FRPW is derived from crude oil, which is then refined through a series of processes such as distillation, deoiling, and hydrogenation. The refining process removes impurities such as sulfur, nitrogen, and other organic compounds, producing pure and high-quality wax.

Fully Refined Paraffin Wax 525460

Product Application

One of the primary applications of FRPW is in the candle-making industry. It is the most commonly used wax for making candles due to its low melting point, which allows it to be easily molded into various shapes and sizes. FRPW also has a high fragrance load capacity, meaning it can hold a significant amount of fragrance oil, resulting in highly scented candles.

FRPW is also widely used in the cosmetics industry, where it is used as a base ingredient in various products such as lip balms, lotions, and creams. Its low melting point and high stability make it an ideal ingredient for these products as it helps to create a smooth texture and provides a protective barrier on the skin.

Another application of FRPW is in the food industry, where it is used as a coating for fruits and vegetables to extend their shelf life. FRPW is also used as a release agent for baking and confectionery products, preventing them from sticking to molds or trays.

FRPW is also used in the packaging industry, where it is used as a coating for paper and cardboard to provide a moisture barrier and improve their durability. It is also used as a lubricant in the manufacturing of PVC pipes and cables, reducing friction and improving their flexibility.

in conclusion, Fully Refined Paraffin Wax is a versatile and widely used wax with numerous applications in various industries. Its excellent properties such as low melting point, high stability, and good water resistance make it an ideal ingredient for many products. with its purity and high quality, FRPW is a valuable ingredient that has become an essential part of many manufacturing processes.


Does your company produce paraffin?
Our company's paraffin products, such as fully refined paraffin and semi-refined paraffin, are all products of the Sinopec Jingmen Branch. We are a first-class distributor and have a great price advantage.

What is the most advantageous product produced by our company?
Food grade paraffin wax, microcrystalline wax, white oil, and special wax series.