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Trademark Specification Melting Point(°C) Chemical Composition(%) Application HL201 BCuP-2 Cast rod, wire & rod, power 710~800 P7Cu Rem. Brazing of copper and copper alloys. HL204 BCuP-5 Cast rod, wire & rod, Foil 640~815 P5Ag15Cu Rem. Brazing of copper, copper alloys, silver and molybdenum etc. HL205 BCuP-3 Cast rod, wire & rod 640~800 P6Ag5Cu Rem. Brazing of copper and copper alloys. HL207 BCuP-7 Cast rod, wire & rod 560~650 P5Sn10Ag5Cu Rem. Brazing of copper and copper alloys. HL208 Cu89PSn Wire 650~800 P5.5~7.5 Sn5~6 Cu Rem Brazing of copper and copper alloys HL209 BCuP-6 Cast rod, wire & rod 684~710 P6.8Ag2Cu Rem. Brazing of copper and copper alloys.