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Hello, dear friend: I would like to recommend you a new item, which maybe you have good market for promotion. You can work with us as distributors or agents. Do You enjoy alcohol....but dont know when to stop? An easy to use pocket size sensor that tells you your alcohol intake instantly and indicates when its time to stop. ~~Alcohol Detector~~ Features *Sophisticated, highly-selective semiconductor sensor providing highly reliable accuracy *3 digits digital LCD display (0.XX%BAC) *Wide detection range: 0.01~0.40%BAC *Long-term stability *Short warm-up, response and recovery time *Audible alarm alerting user to positive test Operation *Turn the switch ON (press it down). The buzzer sounds once. The detector will start the countdown from 20 to 00 on the screen and finally display 0.00, indicating the sensor and circuit ready for test. *In this stage, if you dont blow to the breath pole within 70 seconds, the screen will automatically display OFF and the buzzer will sound discontinuously for turn-off. *Blow alcohol to the breath pole and test the level of your BAC. The screen displays the level of BAC. If the level on the screen is more than 0.05, the buzzer sounds alarm quickly. Otherwise, only the level is displayed on the screen. The screen will display "OFF"and the buzzer sounds discontinuously for turn-off after the test lasts for seventy seconds. Note: If the tester has no response to the gas, you are kindly requested to take Step 1 for two or three times repeatedly, for the tester needs a certain time for warming up. *For the successive test, take the above steps again. *The screen displaying "EE" indicates the sensor in error. The screen keeping flickering indicates low voltage. Specifications *Sensor: Highly sensitive semiconductor alcohol sensor *Powered by two 1.5V batteries *Battery usage limit: continuous use for 50 times *Test level: 0.01%BAC~0.40%BAC *Warm-up time: less or equal to 20s *Response time: less or equal to 5s *Dimension: 105x20x40 (mm) Precautions *For accurate result, do not smoke or eat anything for 20 minutes prior to testing yourself. *After drinking, it is recommended to test after 20 min. It is because it takes 20 minutes approximately for alcohol to be absorbed into blood from the digestive organs, and residual alcohol remaining in the mouth takes this long to dissipate. *Avoid testing under strong wind or in the closed room with contaminated air. *Recharge the battery or replace it when the low voltage comes on. *Avoid blowing liquid into breath pipe. More Picture/specification/price details please open this link: ---- Dont histate to catch this chance, let us work together!