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description: ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) Nano-Powder, Sol, Coating Solution 1. ITO Nano-Powder -Sn ( 5~15%) doped In2O3 -Product types * Yellow type powder * Blue type powder * Surfaced modified powder - Representative Properties * Uniformity powder of nano particle size * Superior dispersion * Excellent conductivity XRD pattern TEM image : Size 10 ~ 12nm - Application fields * ITO Target :E-beam sputtering use :R-F Sputtering use * LCD, PDP, CRT Monitor, Touch Panel, Glass ITO Sol - Product types * Blue type * Yellow type - Particle Size in Colloid : UPA 150 measurement Property Item Standard SOLID CONTENT 15.2 【 0.3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.940 【 0.03 VISCOSITY 22 ∩ , cP 1.6 【 0.3 p H (22 ∩ ) 4.0 【 0.5 Particle size 100 【 10 *Size can be controlled for customer s request ITO Coating Solution - Product types * 2% Coating Solution : Blue type Surface Resistance : 2 ~ 4 】 104 з / Н (Spin coating) * 2% Coating Solution : Yellow type Surface Resistance : 0.8 ~ 1 】 104 з / Н (Spin coating) - ITO film on brown tube face plate