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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: 1) CMI8738-6CH 6-channel PCI sound card / FM801-6CH 6-channel PCI sound card 2) HRTF-based CRL 3D extension positional audio, API compatible with Microsoft 3) Direct sound 3D and Aural A3D API 4) Supports rear side speakers, CX3D positional audio in 4-ch speaker mode 5) Legacy audio SB pro compatible 6) Drivers support: environment audio extension, karaoke key, echo, surround, Win31, Win95, Win98, NT4.0, Win2000, and Linux 7) MPU-401 port, dual game ports 8) 16-bit full duplex CODEC 9) 6-ch 16-bit DAC, 32-bit PCI bus master, PCI2.2 compliant 10) PC98 / PC99 specification compliant 11) Single chip design