The production process consists in the slow heating the raw material to nearly the point of combustion at a stage where the exothermic reaction takes place. By regulating the amount of oxygen into the masonry kilns (igloo shaped), the desired temperature of 500 C is reached. At this point the hydrocarbons and coal start concentrating. Then, by closing all of the oxygen vents the shut down process begins and the charcoal starts absorbing the hydrocarbons and coal. After a period of not less than 48 hours of ventilation out in the open of the new charcoal, the selection and packing procedure begins.
Physical & Chemical Analysis
Fixed Carbon: 65/69% (at 950 C)
Ashes: 5% (at 750 C)
Volatile Matter: 25% (at 950 C)
Humidity: less than 8%
Antiexplosive Certification
We produce the following exportable materials:
Restaurant-Industrial Charcoal (RIC): It is intended for use in Hotels, Restaurants and some Industrial applications. We usually pack in 20Kg recycled poly bags in order to optimize final cost. The granulometry is of 4-10cms.
Home Use Charcoal (HUC): Packing and presentation of this product is really diverse and has the better packing and labeling as it is for sale in the POs for Home BBQs use. We pack in 3Kg or 5Kg double or triple paperwood bags. Printing is made in color and multilanguage in accordance with buyer. Special care and raw material selection ensures that this product is free of sparking and odors. Typical granulometry is of 2-8cms.
Charcoal Briquettes (CBQ): This is a by-product obtained from the under screen debris and dust collected during the charcoal production. It is grinded and mixed with manioc starch for proper binding during the compactation process. Final product delivers much more heating power than lump charcoal. Ours is hazardous additives free Briquettes like borax, nitrate, etc. It is end-user friendly and handling is cleaner as it is almost dust residues free. Typical packing is made in 4Kg double paperwood bags.