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** Principle of operation of Decanter Centrifuge Slurry, contaminated with soil particles, is pumped into the hub of a rotating conveyor screw and passes into the rotating bowl sur- rounding the screw conveyor through ports in the conveyor hub, where the solids are separated out from the fluid by the centrifugal forces and deposited on the bowl wall. Due to a slight difference in the speed of rotation of the conveyor screw and the bowl, the conveyor screw continuously conveys the solids along the bowl wall to the solids discharge port, whilst the clarified liquid is continuously discharged in the opposite direction. According to respective requirement by environmental treatment plant, food and chemical plant, foundation construction sites, etc., we design and manufacture most efficient decanter centrifuges to separate solids and liquids. For slurry treatments in ; - Foundation construction (diaphragm-wall construction, reverse -circulation drilling, shield tunnelling, etc.) - Environmental applications (cleaning system for oil and gas industries, sludge thickening and dewatering, waste treatment, etc.) - Food and Chemical industries, etc. ** Regeneration of slurries/Treatment of waste slurries Soils of particle size <10μ(fine silts and clays) cannot be separated out from the bentonite slurry by mechanical methods due to their very similar particle structure. Separation of such slurries into clear water and solids is achieved with the use of chemical additives which cause the fine soil particles to flocculate into larger flocculent masses(polymers) which are separated out from the water as solids by a secondary centrifuge. The regeneration rate and throughput capacity of the decanter cen- trifuge depend on ; - speed of the conveyor screw and bowl of 1600 to 2000rpm - particle size distribution of the soil particles suspended in the slurry - specific gravity of the contaminated slurry - viscosity of the slurry to be regenerated