Commodity: Immature bitter orange extract
Latin Name: Fructus Aurantii Immaturus or Citrus aurantium
Chinese Pin-Yin name: Zhi Shi
Common name: Bitter Orange, green orange, sour orange
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
Part Used: fruit (immature)
Specification: Synephrine 5%-80%
Citrus aurantium L, belonging to the family Rutaceae, is widely distributed in China. Zhishi, the Chinese traditional name for Citrus aurantium, has long been a folk medicine in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)to improve indigestion and help stimulate the Qi (energy force). It also has been a folk remedy in Italy since the 16th century for fevers like malaria and as an antiseptic. Recent studies have confirmed that Zhishi, replacing Ma Huang, can be used for treatment of obesity without the negative cardiovascular side effects.
Fuction:Synepherine is the main active compound found in the fruit of Citrus aurantium, which is effective in providing the energy boost (caloric expenditure), aiding the expulsion of wind, warming the stomach, improving the appetite, and increasing metabolic rate. Citrus aurantium is theorized to stimulate fat metabolism without the negative cardiovascular side effects experienced by some people using Ma Huang. It is also a mild aromatic expectorant, a nervine and a laxation for constipation.