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Shuang-Ma-Wang Shou-Dai Chang(Double-horse Handbag Factory) in Baiyun District of Guangzhou was founded in 2000. The factory has more than 800 square meters and about 130 employees. We produce several renowned brands. To meet the needs of the customers inquiries all over the world, we have an excellent Korean designer, technology and the advanced facilities. One of our materials, the artificial stingray leather, has recently obtained patent right in Korea. Specializing in handbags and wallets for men and women, our factory has good reputation in Korea, Russia and America as well as in China. The styles and quality of our product have been widely accepted by domestic and overseas markets. In the face of China's entry into the WTO and economic globalization, we face more opportunities. To meet these challenges we have constantly devoted ourselves to our principle of "Fashion and Personality", superior quality, new product development, competitive price, and management efficiency. To further extend our presence in international market, we welcome leather products distributors and retailers around the world to cooperate with us. If you are searching for a supplier to fulfill your OEM order, please contact us. Website: Email/MSN: shuangmawang at