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Chemical name: 2-Bromo-2-nitro-1,3-propylene glycol M.F.: C3H6NO4Br 1. Usage bacteria inhibitor , suitable for gram negative bacteria and various pseudomonad. In certain condition(PH:4-9, 0.0025%), it is still available for the most of bacteria. 2. Technical index: No. Item Index 1 Appearance White crystalline powder 2 Purity >99.0% 3 Moisture <0.50% 4 PH (1% Aq. solution) 5.0-7.0 5 M.P.(Final point) 121-129℃ 6 Transmittance 20% Aq. Solution >80.0% 3. Packing and storage: 25kg in cardboard, in cool dry place.