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Natural Octacosanol (Synonyms: Octacosyl Alcohol, Policosanol, Polycosanol) Product code: Octa-60; Octa-40 and Octa-25. Raw Material: Natural waxes from Sugar can or Bees Manufacturing Method:Saponification of natural waxes,ethanol extraction and purification. Appearance: Granular or plate, white to off-white powder. Melting point: 78~82oC Solubility: Insoluble in water,soluble in armatic hydrocarbon and chloroform. Typical Composition Higher Alcohols(C26~C32): >90%; 1-Octacosanol: >60%(Typically 58~63%) Heavy Metals(as Pb): <10mg/kg; Lead: <0.5mg/kg; Arsenic(as As2O3):<1.5mg/kg Microbiological Total plate count: 3,000 cfu/g Maximum. Total Coliforms: Negative/10g; E.Coli: Negative. Applications and Usage Levels Natural Octacosanol powder can be used to prepare various kind of dietary supplements and heathy foods the support athletic and sexal. Usage: Typical usage levels range from 0.5~10 mg per serving. Physiological Function (1) Help to lower cholesterol levels in the blood; (2)Help inhibit lipid peroxidation.(3)Help improve .endurance, increase vitality,and promote physical strength,(4)Improve and sharpen the muscle reflexes; (5)Improve the human body resistance to stress; (6)Improve the function of the heart muscle (myocardium);(7)Lessen vascular constriction and help lower blood pressure,(8)Stimulate the production of sex hormones and prevent muscle spasms;(9)Help to elevate the basal metabolism;(10)Help to increase the hypotensive effect of betablockers.(11) Help to protect endothelial cells. Packing/Storage Packed in multiwall bags containing one kilogram and five kilogram net weight.Bags are packed in cardboard boxes or fiber drums. Store in a cool, dry enviroment protected from heat sources and sunlight. Shelf Life: Minimum 3 years.