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Pueraria P.E. English Name: Kudzuvine Root extract Latin Name: Radix Puerariae Synonym: kudzuvine root; pueraria; puerariae. Category: Standard Herb Extracts Plant Original: Pueraria Lobata (Willd.) Part Used: Root Specification: Isoflavones by UV, HPLC Description: Pueraria is a plant genus of the family FABACEAE a common weed of the southeast US. There has been folk use for alcoholism and liver protection. It contains puerarin, kakkalide, daidzein (isoflavonoids), and kudzusaponins (oleanene-type triterpene glycosides). Function: 1) Expanding brain blood vessel, anti - vas convulsion, enhancing blood stream, improving blood supplying; 2) Reducing cholesterin, reforming platelet function, restraining its collecting and depressing its viscosity; 3) Vas expanding drug. Distending the vas of coronary artery and brain, falling oxygen cardiac muscle consumed - reforming microcirculation, curing micro -blood vessel pathological changes from agedness diabetes, coronary heart disease and brain infarct; 4) Treating unstable angina.