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"Kingland" plastic-lined steel pipe is based on our high-grade products-hot dip galvanized welded steel pipe and food-class plastic pipe, and the production process is completed by spreading plastic pipe on the inside wall of the steel pipe using advanced high-temperature high-pressure technique. The product quality accords with the CJ/T136-2001 standard and its hygiene capability accords with the "Health and safety evaluation criteria for drinking water transferring equipment and protective materials"(2001). "Kingland" plastic-coated steel pipe is based on our high-grade hot dip galvanized welded steel pipe and the production process is completed by adsorbing macromolecule powder onto the inside wall of the steel pipe, using vacuum absorbing technique. The product quality accords with the CJ/T120-2000 standard and its hygiene capability accords with the "Health and safety evaluation criteria for drinking water transferring equipment and protective materials"(2001). "Kingland" plastic-lined malleable steel pipe fitting is based on the state high-grade galvanized malleable steel fitting and the production process is completed by filling instrumental-class plastic into the pipe fitting. The ends of its inner spiral threads are made of silicic latex hermetical rings. The product quality accords with the CJ/T137-2001 standard and its hygiene capability accords with the "Health and safety evaluation criteria for drinking water transferring equipment and protective materials"(2001). Note: we also provide coated malleable steel pipe fitting according to customers' requirements.