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We are Weifang Anjing Aquaculture Dev. Co., Ltd, China. We product fish food and be glad to cooperate with you. You can get what you are want from us, stable supply, premium quality,and affordable prices. Contact me to have details.Thank you. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact me, I will response to you soon. I look forward to cooperating with you Our products as follows, 1.freeze dried freeze dried bloodworms,freeze dried mysis shrimp,freeze dried brine shrimp,freeze dried rotifer,freeze dried daphnia,freeze dried tubifex,freeze dried earthworm,freeze dried red shrimp,freeze dried gamarus,freeze dried grasshopper,freeze dried mealworms,freeze dried polychaete,freeze dried cricket,freeze dried shrimp meat,freeze dried krill, 2.frozen frozen brine shrimp,frozen bloodworms,frozen mysis shrimp,frozen rotifer,frozen daphnia,frozen silversides,frozen tubifex,frozen clam,frozen mixvegetable 3.flakes & pellets brine shrimp flakes,tropical flakes,gold fish flakes,spirulina flakes,garlic flakes,plankton flakes,deli flakes,fresh water flakes,marine flakes,color enhancing flakes,algae flakes,discus flakes,yellow flakes,neon tiny fish flakes,peacock flakes,medicated flakes, floating pellets,sinking pellets 4.sun dried ,sun dried water fly,sun dried silkworm pupa,sun dried fresh water shrimp,sun dried plankton 5.decap eggs air dried decap eggs,freeze dried decap eggs 6.artemia cysts(brine shrimp eggs)