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Dear Sirs, We want to find agents for following Products. If you have interests, please feel free to contact us for any further information. We are ready to service you. Since 1998 the ADR-4 water stimulator has been honoured on three continents with the highest distinctions in the area of sanitary and health care. At the 47th World Exhibition of Invention, Research and Industrial Innovation in Brussels (1998) ADR-4 was honoured not only with the highest award of the Fair, the Gold Medal, but also with a special award of the European Committee of Support for Commercial Undertakings – the Golden Statue. In 2001, at the World’s Largest Invention & New Product Exposition INPEX 2001 in Pittsburgh (USA), ADR-4 was honoured with three trophies: Grand Prix – the highest award of the Exhibition, the Silver Medal in the area of therapeutics and the Bronze Medal in the area of science. At that exhibition Doctor Yoshiro Nakamats (among other things, he invented a floppy disk and was nominated for the list of five greatest scientists of all times) invited the inventor of ADR-4, eng. S. A. Wosinski, to the World Genius Convention 2001 in Tokyo. This convention is considered as the most important Fair of Inventions all over the world, which sums up the actual year, and only 75 most interesting inventions are exhibited there. At the World Genius Convention 2001 in Tokyo ADR-4 was honoured with the Gold Medal in the category of ingenious inventions for health. ADR-4 Energy Stimulator --------------------------------------- ADR-4 is a revolutionary device designed to energize food and beverages. It is used to improve health properties of drinking water as well as water contained in food and beverages. The primary functions of ADR-4 is proper and specific alteration of energy and structural arrangement of water molecules. Due to the emission of its own generated magnetic field, infrared radiation and presence of resonance effects, the ADR-4 device alters the intermolecular arrangement of water molecules (modifying its cluster structure), thus making it healthier for living organisms. Regular consumption of water, beverages, and food containing water energized by ADR- 4 improves all physiological process