WXSR Wedges are produced by personnel with decades of experience. The components are produced carefully ed raw materials in closely monitored processes in order to provide superior products to the industries we serve. Inspection and testing at many points in the process ensure the quality of the final product. WXSR utilizes extensive inhouse testing several times daily as well as repetitive lot testing at heat treatment and yearly testing at prestigious university civil engineering laboratories. Each lot is tested again prior to shipment. In addition to these frequent inspections and tests, WXSR performs extensive system qualifications at one of the most prominent construction testing firms in the country. WXSR Anchors are manufactured only by licensed, authorized foundries to exacting specifications. PSL monitors the performance of its licensed foundries to ensure that superior products reach the project. Precision insists on strict adherence to dimensions and specifications. These requirements often eliminate foundries others would accept.
The Original WXSR Single Strand Anchor is the most widely used and trusted casting in the post-tensioning industry. With hundreds of millions of castings in place over decades, WXSR has the most successful and extensive track record.