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Beijing TWT is a manufactuter a fighting fire related products. TWT-MF foam extingushing agent, Our new product, have won the national patent for it's revolutinary invention in extinguishing industry and it is promoted by Ministry of Public Security of China to use in China抯 fire fighting agency. Copared with the traditional prducts, the advantages are below: (1) Multifunction. With all the stength of the traditional extinguishing agent such as the potein, aqueous film foaming, fluorine-potein, alcohol resistant agents. (2)No pollution to environment. Material are choosing based on evironment protecton. (3)High efficiency. The Same quantity as other type extinguishing agent, extinguishing Power is Two times. (4)Common Use. Applied to the common foam extinguishing generator and make your extinguishing easy. (5) Widely Application. Apply to fire brigade, Oil, Petrol-Chemical Industry, Oil field, Mine, Airport, Dock, Train, Forest, Steel Industry, Power Plant, Oil Refinery, Gasoline Tank, Rubber Industry, Ship, Brewery , Gas Station.