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Chondroitin sulphate is an important component of connective tissue and is present in fish, mammalian and bird cartilage. As an acidic polysaccharide, chondroitin sulphate is composed of chondroitin sulphate A, C and various chondroitin sulphate. In cartilage, chondroitin sulphate assists in providing texture, elasticity and moisture binding. In usually, shark cartilage contains mainly chondroitin-6-sulphate (also referred to as CSC) and bovine, porcine and chicken cartilages contain mainly chondroitin-4-sulphate (also referred to as CSA). Yibao can manufacture different content of chondroitin sulphate from shark, bovine, porcine and chicken cartilage and the product can comply with USP and customers'''' special specifications.