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UQ2000 Easy to read with color or monochrome (NST) LCD display Dual channel,Bandwith 25 - 200MHz Sample Rate(Real - time)250MHz up to 1GSa/s,Equivalent Sampling 50GSa/s. 4K channel memory depth. Advanced Triggering function from edge,video,pulse,delay. +,-,X,鱉athematic Functions FFT spectrum analysis:Hanning,Hamming,Blacking,Rectangle Automatic Parameter Measurements:Vpp,Vamp,Vrms,Vmax,Vmin,Vtop,Vbase,Vavg, Freq,Period, Risetime, Falltime, +Width,-Width,Overshoot,Preshoot,+Duty,-Duty,etc. 10 Waveforms parameter Setups,Save,Reall. Vertical scale:2mV - 5V/div Sweep time:1ns - 50s/div Rise time:1.8ns - 14ns Power supply:100 - 240V,45 - 65Hz,< 50W Dimensions:290(L) X 330(W) X 145(H)